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UnclEvl's Fairy Meat Alternative Rules:

Decks, Discards and Damage

Stacking the Odds

When there are numerous players it is a good idea to have a Fairy Deck comprising of more than 1 normal 52 card deck of playing cards shuffled together. In this case, the inclusion of extra jokers is optional.

You also might like to consider 'Stacking the Fairy Deck'. Two main variations readily spring to mind:
  1. Alter the Trump Cards spread. Use a second deck to add in more Trumps, or just taking out some of the Numbered card suits (eg 2 to 10 of Clubs and Diamonds) will have a similar effect.
    Best to keep the balance of red and black even. This can be especially interesting when coupled with the alternative combat system also proposed here, giving players more variation. Or you could remove some of the Trump cards, making less of them available. This will make combat much more dependent on one shot highest Numbered card draws of course.
  2. Alter the Numbered cards spread. This can include removing certain values, and/or adding more of certain values. Either way, the probability of drawing the values altered will be affected. Removing more of the median numbers (4,5,6) and/or adding more of the extreme numbers (2,3,9,10) will make combat more risky and more bloody. Doing the opposite will make combat a slower affair where combatants are never likely to win by very large margins. This latter variation, especially when coupled with '1' above (including more Trumps), can make Trumps more important to the game, since they will tend to provide more significant differences between overall values obtained during combat.

It is probably best to still balance the colours and keep them even, although some fun could be had by not doing so. If you play with the alternative combat system proposed here, this could make things very interesting as it is then more likely that a fairy is going to get caught out as a Naughty Little Cheat but not being able to play Trump and Numbered cards of the same colour.

Altering the deck construction will of course also have an effect on other parts of play apart from combat - its just that this is probably the most exciting part. Any alteration to the deck will increase the likelihood that 2 or more fairies will get the same value Order card for one thing. You could of course have a Fairy Combat Deck that is stacked in some peculiar way, but only used for combat, and another, normal deck that is used for all other aspects of the game.

Experiment and have fun, but remember it is polite to inform other players that you have stacked the deck and get their agreement before playing. And no, having your own stacked deck whilst everyone else is playing from a normal deck is not really on.

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Spoils Heap

Instead of reshuffling the Fairy Deck at the start of every round, cards used during the course of play are discarded to a common face up pile somewhere central. This is called the Spoils Heap.
When the Fairy Deck becomes exhausted of cards the Spoils Heap is picked up and shuffled and then becomes the new Fairy Deck.
No player is allowed to look through the Spoils Heap or Fairy Deck cards.
This allows players a chance to note what cards have been played and therefore try and remember what cards are left in the fairy deck. Whilst this doesn't matter so much for the original rules, it will complement the new combat rules proposed here.

Nasty Hits

Ace of Spades

Instead of doing just 3 points of damage , the dreaded Ace of Spades doubles the damage dealt out in any combat where it appears.

Nasty Hits Effects

Where 3 or more damage is done to a Fairy in one blow, it is considered a Nasty Hit. At present, the fairy only recieves some sort of 'wound' if this is done through the extra damage from the dreaded Ace of Spades card being played in combat - and then it is always a 50% movement penalty. But I see no reason why this can't be extrapolated a little so that whenever a fairy receives such a hefty blow, if it doesn't kill them then they at least suffer some ill consequences from being so viscously wounded. To this end, I'd like to introduce The Nasty Hits Table.

When a fairy takes 3 or more points of damage from a single attack then she should draw a card from the Fairy Deck.
If she draws a Joker then she has lucked out big time. She takes only half whatever damage was originally dealt out, and does not receive a Nasty Hit after all.
If she has drawn a Trump card then she keeps it and draws again. She continues to draw cards until a Numbered card is obtained.
Once a Numbered card is obtained modify its value by: The final value is compared on the Nasty Hits Table to determine the result, which is applied immediately.

Nasty Hits Table
0 or less
Spawny Get - Through some unnatural fluke and bending of the laws of time, space and causality, the fairy manages to avoid the blow completely and actually receives no damage from this attack after all.
Narrow Escape - The fairy actually manages to avoid most of the blow and the damage done to her from this attack is halved (round up).
Dazed - The fairy must spend the next turn doing nothing. She may still Defend herself if Attacked, but can't count as Posed and gets - 1 card for any Defense, and that is all she can do.
Clipped Wings - Half Move (height and distance) from now on and she can't Pounce. 'Kiss' will repair the damage and remove the effects of 'Clipped Wings'. Note 1 'Kiss' repairs the effects of only 1 'Clipped Wings' though.
Grevious Bodily Harm - One less Card far all Combat (Attacking, Defending or Ranged) from now on. 'Kiss' will repair the damage and remove the effects of any 'GBH' a fairy has suffered. . Note 1 'Kiss' repairs the effects of only 1 'GBH' though.
Brains Rattled - Lose a Twinkle point permanently. If a fairy has no Twinkle points then she takes an extra point of damage instead.
Panicked - The fairy must act when her Order number is first called each round from now on. If she ever gets a 'Confused' result on the Nasty Hits Table whilst 'Panicked' then it has no effect and the effects of 'Panicked' are removed.
Confused - The fairy must act when her Order number is last called each round from now on. If she ever gets a 'Panicked' result on the Nasty Hits Table whilst 'Confused' then it has no effect and the effects of 'Confused' are removed.
Berserk - The fairy is incensed and immediately goes into a killing frenzy, turning all her remaining Live points to Kill points. If the fairy was 'Confused', 'Panicked', 'Frightened' or 'Maddened' when she goes berserk, all such effects are removed. She must move towards the nearest fairy, friend or foe, by the fastest movement type and attack them if not already engaged in combat. She may Rush and Wrestle if she wants. If the nearest fairy is a dead fairy then she may move towards this with the idea of eating it. Once the berserk fairy has a dead fairy in her possession she must spend each round eating it until it is all gone. If another fairy tries to take her precious meal from her then she will attack them. Once she has consumed her meal she will return to normal and the effects of 'Berserk' will be gone. Use the rules in the Fairy Meat Rule book (p.18) for attacking your own fairies.
Bleeder - The fairy takes 1 Damage at the start of every turn immediately for every Order card she draws that is a Trump. 'Kiss' will repair the damage and remove the effects of a 'Bleeder' a fairy has suffered. Note 1 'Kiss' repairs the effects of only 1 'Bleeder' though.
Gusher - The fairy takes 1 Damage at the start of every turn. 'Kiss' will repair the damage and remove the effects of a 'Gusher' a fairy has suffered. . Note 1 'Kiss' repairs the effects of only 1 'Gusher' though.
More Than 10
She's Dead Jim - 'Er 'ed's come clean orf! . Sorry, you can't 'Kiss' that better.


Fairy Meat Rulebook, p.20.
Diamond Trumps will cure 1 of the conditions of 'Panicked' or 'Confused'. An Ace of Diamonds will restore 1 Twinkle point lost to 'Brains Rattled'.
Club Trumps will cure 1 of the conditions: 'Clipped Wings' or 'GBH', that a Fairy may be suffering from - where a fairy has more than one the player may choose which. An Ace of Clubs will cure all the above conditions a fairy may be suffering from.
Heart Trumps will cure 1 of the conditions: 'Bleeder' or 'Gusher', that a Fairy may be suffering from - where a fairy has more than one the player may choose which. An Ace of Hearts will cure all the above conditions a fairy may be suffering from.
The fairy immediately pulls for an effect from the Nasty Hits Table as she has been poisoned by the mushroom. This is an addition to the original rules.

Check out Uncl's other Fairy Meat pages

Example Check out UnclEvls Alternative Combat Rules.
Index Head to Uncl's Fairy Meat index page.

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